Just who is Gizmo?

Gizmo is a project funded by Alchemax to make their very own super hero!

Or... let's start from the beginning! One last time!

Michael Barker is a Theatre teacher and RA at Miles' school! Of course. this means that he can't do the things that he wants to do! He can't persue the art he wishes to create! So he signs up for a testing job at Alchemax, no skills required!

The tech put inside Michael is something very interesting indeed! It's an interesting gadget that allows him to take on the apperance (and powers) or just about any version of himself! At least... that's what it was SUPPOSED to do, not that any of the scientists that were working with him really explained that to him or anything. In fact, at first the tech didn't work at all and he was sent home with some pills and a date to get the junk taken out! But before that day came something happened! Bestowed upon Gizmo were amazing powers! Electrical shocks and super speed! At first, he beleives that this is the extent of his powers but something happens that makes his powers more like they should! Maybe a simple smack against the wall? Maybe a villain who works at Alchemax jumpstarts them with some kind of neferious plot? I dunno yet! But just know that at some point he goes from a hero with pretty standard powers to someone with powers much to strong for them to understand! I'm also uncertain currently as to just WHAT can make him change into these other forms, I played with the idea of a watch or bracelet sort of like in Ben Ten but that felt a little silly... Of course my comments are always open for suggestions! As well as my askbox at my self ship tumblr link You can also find some vauge ideas there that may become more polished and end up here some day.....

Blinkies graphics and such

WOAHHHHHHwhats this? A portal! Where could it lead???